Odesa State Agrarian University

Department of Management

Department of Management

was founded on September 1, 1969 by Doctor of Economics, Professor I. Ushachov

Department of Management

The Department of Management carries out educational, scientific, organizational, methodological and educatory work aimed at training highly qualified specialists in the field of management at the first (bachelor), second (master) and third (educational-scientific) levels of higher education. The profession of manager is one of the most interesting and relevant in the market economy, because such a specialist combines basic knowledge of management, economics, and marketing with management practice, masters the methods of planning, organization, motivation and control, is able to identify and ensure strategic and tactical goals of enterprises and organizations. Within the training, the charisma of successful leader is formed among the students – future managers; they get management skills, allowing to build their own career in enterprises of various economy sectors, research institutions, government agencies and more.

Mission of the Department of Management consists in developing knowledge of management theory and methodology and training professional managers competent to solve complex management problems to ensure the upward socio-economic and environmental development of enterprises, local communities, sectors of the national economy on innovative basis.

Our core values:

  • respect for the personality of all participants of the educational process;
  • professionalism and personal development;
  • decency, academic integrity, ethics;
  • patriotism and social responsibility;
  • partnership and teamwork.

The main tasks of the department:

  • providing quality educational services for the training of highly qualified specialists in management of “Bachelor”, “Master”, and “Doctor of Philosophy academic degrees;
  • conducting research and implementing its results in the educational process and in management practice of enterprises and organizations;
  • cooperation in the field of science and education with higher education and research institutions, public administration and local self-government bodies, branch organizations, enterprises and other stakeholders;
  • implementation of the student-centered learning principles, education of harmoniously developed individuals, who have deep theoretical knowledge, practical skills and abilities, think creatively, act socially responsibly on the basis of high spiritual values.

The highly professional team of the Graduate Department of Management includes the specialists with academic degrees of Doctor of Economics and Professor, Ph.D. of Economics and Associate professor, having significant practical and scientific-pedagogical experience, allowing them to effectively manage the scientific work of students and researchers as well as to ensure high level of methodical and educational work. The Department’s teaching staff improve their professional skills, participate in various trainings and seminars, undergo internships at foreign universities.

Department of Management



Head of department,
doctor of economic sciences, professor
 Zapsha Halyna



Personnel of the department

Full namePosition, academic degree, academic titleAdditional Information
Department of Management

Zapsha Halyna

Head of the department of management

doctor of economic sciences, professor


Department of ManagementDepartment of Management

Department of Management

Sakhatskyi Mykola

Professor of the department of management

doctor of economic sciences, professor

Department of ManagementDepartment of Management
Department of Management

Andreichenko Andrii

Professor of the department of management

doctor of economic sciences, professor

Department of ManagementDepartment of Management
Department of Management

Tanklevska Nataliia

Professor of the department of management

doctor of economic sciences, professor

Department of ManagementDepartment of Management

Department of ManagementLivinskyi Anatolii

Professor of the department of management

doctor of economic sciences, associate professor

Department of ManagementDepartment of Management
Department of Management

Melnychuk Oksana

Associate professor of the department of management

candidate of economic sciences, associate professor

Department of ManagementDepartment of Management

Department of ManagementMatsiievych Tetiana

Associate professor of the department of management

candidate of economic sciences, associate professor

Department of ManagementDepartment of Management

Department of ManagementDidur Hanna

Associate professor of the department of management

candidate of economic sciences, associate professor

Department of ManagementDepartment of Management
Department of Management

Telichko Nataliia

Associate professor of the department of management

candidate of economic sciences, associate professor

Department of ManagementDepartment of Management
Department of Management

Petriv Ivan

Associate professor of the department of management

candidate of sciences in public administration

Department of ManagementDepartment of Management
Department of Management

Bakhchyvanzhy Liudmyla

Associate professor of the department of management

candidate of economic sciences, associate professor

Department of ManagementDepartment of Management
Department of Management

Levina-Kostiuk Mariia

Associate professor of the department of management

candidate of economic sciences

Department of ManagementDepartment of Management
Department of Management

Shevchenko Valerii

Assistant of the department of management

candidate of economic sciences

Department of ManagementDepartment of Management
Department of Management

Topov Arkadii

Assistant of the department of management

candidate of economic sciences

Department of ManagementDepartment of Management
Department of Management

Yevtushok Olha

Assistant of the department of management

candidate of economic sciences

Department of ManagementDepartment of Management
Department of Management

Varhatiuk Mariia

Assistant of the department of management

candidate of economic sciences

Department of ManagementDepartment of Management
Department of Management

Hrekova Tetiana

Assistant, senior laboratory assistant

at the department of management

Department of ManagementDepartment of Management
Department of Management

Danylenko Anastasiia

Senior laboratory assistant

at the department of management

Department of Management


The list of academic disciplines taught at the Department

  • Management
  • Marketing
  • Logistics
  • Advertising management
  • Investment management
  • Personnel management
  • Corporate social responsibility
  • Procurement and bidding
  • Business protocol and negotiations
  • Operational management
  • Foreign economic activity of the enterprise
  • Organization of the manager’s work
  • Innovation management
  • Time management and interpersonal communications in business
  • Office management
  • Organizational behavior
  • Business process management
  • Optimization methods and models
  • Mathematical modeling of economic processes
  • Methods and models of managerial decision making
  • Introduction to the profession
  • Theory of organization
  • State and regional administration
  • Management consulting
  • Cost management and controlling
  • Agricultural management
  • Strategic management
  • Management of organizations
  • Project and change management
  • Financial management
  • Management of strategic development of the enterprise
  • International marketing
  • Communications in management
  • Corporative management
  • Public administration
  • Marketing management
  • International business management
  • Leadership and management
  • Quality management
  • Engineering management
  • Management of business
  • Methodology of research in management
  • Management of innovative projects
  • Modern management concepts


The Department of Management was established on September 1, 1969. The subject of special pride for the team is that it was the first department of management among 101 agricultural universities in the former USSR.

The founder of the department and its first head is Ivan Ushachov – Doctor of Economics, Professor, Highly Authoritative Scientist, Full member (Academician) of the French Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Foreign member of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine and the Academy of Agricultural Sciences of Kazakhstan.

Department of Management

Academician I. Ushachov and the staff of the Department of Management during the VI – International scientific-practical conference “Development of agro-industrial production and rural areas of Ukraine: problems and solutions” (Odesa, OSAU, June 18-19, 2015).

At the time of the Department’s foundation, it included Associate professors: I. Ushachov, O. Vakhnovskyi, Ye. Nesvyashchenko; Assistants: R. Ulchenko and V. Chiniaiev. A year later, Ph.D. of Technical Sciences M. Syzonenko and Ph.D. student V. Kurnosenko joined the staff. Associate professor O. Kharkavenko worked at the Department almost since its foundation. At different times the staff of the Department included Associate professors: M. Maharin, Ye. Kovalenko, A. Nesvyashchenko; Senior lecturers O. Syzova, N. Dolhikh, V. Ponomarenko, S. Shvedova, T. Sapiha.

The significant contribution of the Department’s academic staff in the development of theory and practice of agricultural production management is evidenced by the fact that in Soviet times the Department served as a scientific and methodological center for agricultural production management of the Main Division of Higher and Secondary Education of the USSR Ministry of Agriculture. I. Ushachov headed the scientific and methodological section of agricultural production management of the Main Division of Higher and Secondary Education of the USSR Ministry of Agriculture. The problem laboratory for the design of automated control systems (ACS) and dispatching services of the USSR State Committee for Science and Technology was created at the Department.

From the first day of its foundation, along with educational work, the Department’s staff conducted research of mainly applied nature. This work was carried out in agricultural enterprises on contractual basis. On the basis of economic contract issues the Research and Design Bureau (R&D bureau) – a relatively independent subdivision was created at the Department. The R&D bureau scientists (I. Linetska –  the Head, V. Prykhoda, S. Shvedova, E. Benimovych, V. Ponomarenko, R. Izmailova, E. Andrianova, Yu. Zolotarev.) were engaged in the development of projects of control systems and their implementation at different levels of agricultural production management.

In addition to R&D bureau, a research unit with budget funding was attached to the Department. It was separated from the problem laboratory “Application of economic and mathematical methods in agriculture”. The researchers of the unit (A. Plakhov, V. Plinskyi, A. Korolev, O. Stavnitser, A. Beliak and others) dealt with the problems of developing automated control systems for agricultural production. Later, in 1976, an independent laboratory of the Department was established. It included three sectors: automated control systems for agricultural production; organization of management in inter-business associations; organization of socialist competition.

At that time, the Department with all its structural subdivisions was the largest educational and scientific unit of the Faculty of Economics. In a single complex it conducted research on agricultural production management, implemented the results of its research in production practice and provided the educational process on appropriate methodological level.

Heads of the Department of Management (Administration) at different times were: Doctor of Economics, Professor I. Ushachov; Ph.D. of Economics, Associate professor O. Kharkavenko, Ph.D. of Economics, Associate professor V. Kurnosenko; Doctor of Economics, Professor M. Sakhatskyi; Doctor of Economics, Professor L. Neikova; Doctor of Economics, Professor Ye. Krushkin. Since 2014, the Department has been headed by Doctor of Economics, Professor H. Zapsha.

Significant efforts of the Department of Management are focused on the intensification of theoretical and applied research in the priority areas of management and marketing in the field of agro-industrial production. Since 2000, the scientific and pedagogical staff of the Department have defended 14 dissertations for the Doctoral and Ph.D. degrees in Economics. Professor M. Sakhatskyi, Professor V. Popovich and Associate professor V. Kurnosenko made a significant contribution to the training of highly qualified specialists for the Department. Under the scientific guidance of M. Sakhatskyi 3 Doctoral and15 Ph.D. thesis were defended, (6 of them – by the Department’s teaching staff).

Currently, the scientific and pedagogical staff of the Department of Management includes highly qualified specialists with Doctoral and Ph.D. degrees in Economics, significant practical and scientific-pedagogical experience, which allows to effectively guide the researchers’ scientific work, as well as to provide a high level of educational, scientific, methodological and educatory work. The Department of Management trains higher education applicants of “Junior Bachelor”, “Bachelor”, “Master”, and “Doctor of Philosophy” (PhD) academic levels. They are offered the latest scientific, theoretical and applied developments in the field of management and marketing; up-to-date information on the mechanisms of state regulation of business; advanced domestic and world experience; qualified consultations and creative cooperation in research activities.



Odesa, Oleksandr Matrosov Lane, 6

Office №817

Email: management.osau@gmail.com

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