Odesa State Agrarian University

Department of Economic Theory and Economics of Enterprise

Department of Economic Theory and Economics of Enterprise

Economics is the art of satisfying unlimited needs with limited resources

Laurence Peter

Department of Economic Theory and Economics of Enterprise




Acting head of the Department,
doctor of economic sciences, professor
Knyazeva Olena 




Personnel of the department

Full namePosition, academic degree, academic titleAdditional Information
Department of Economic Theory and Economics of Enterprise

Knyazeva Olena

Acting head of the department of economic theory

and enterprise economics

doctor of economic sciences, professor


Department of Economic Theory and Economics of EnterpriseDepartment of Economic Theory and Economics of Enterprise

Department of Economic Theory and Economics of Enterprise

Shabatura Tetiana

Professor of the department of economic theory

and enterprise economics

doctor of economic sciences, professor


Department of Economic Theory and Economics of EnterpriseDepartment of Economic Theory and Economics of Enterprise

Department of Economic Theory and Economics of EnterpriseHalytskyi Oleksandr

Professor of the department of economic theory

and enterprise economics

doctor of economic sciences, professor

Department of Economic Theory and Economics of EnterpriseDepartment of Economic Theory and Economics of Enterprise
Department of Economic Theory and Economics of Enterprise

Balzhdy Marina

Professor of the department of economic theory

and enterprise economics

doctor of economic sciences, professor


Department of Economic Theory and Economics of EnterpriseDepartment of Economic Theory and Economics of Enterprise

Department of Economic Theory and Economics of EnterpriseShevchenko Alisa

Associate professor of the department of economic theory

and enterprise economics

candidate of economic sciences, associate professor

Department of Economic Theory and Economics of EnterpriseDepartment of Economic Theory and Economics of Enterprise

Department of Economic Theory and Economics of EnterprisePetrenko Olha

Associate professor of the department of economic theory

and enterprise economics

candidate of economic sciences, associate professor

Department of Economic Theory and Economics of EnterpriseDepartment of Economic Theory and Economics of Enterprise
Department of Economic Theory and Economics of Enterprise

Zamlynska Olha

Associate professor of the department of economic theory

and enterprise economics

candidate of economic sciences, associate professor

Department of Economic Theory and Economics of EnterpriseDepartment of Economic Theory and Economics of Enterprise
Department of Economic Theory and Economics of Enterprise

Osyk Stanislav

Associate professor of the department of economic theory

and enterprise economics

Doctor of Philosophy in specialty 281 “Public management

and administration”

Department of Economic Theory and Economics of EnterpriseDepartment of Economic Theory and Economics of Enterprise
Department of Economic Theory and Economics of Enterprise

Neboha Tetiana

Associate professor of the department of economic theory

and enterprise economics

candidate of economic sciences, senior researcher

Department of Economic Theory and Economics of EnterpriseDepartment of Economic Theory and Economics of Enterprise
Department of Economic Theory and Economics of Enterprise

Tkachenko Denys

Assistant of the department of economic theory

and enterprise economics


Department of Economic Theory and Economics of EnterpriseDepartment of Economic Theory and Economics of Enterprise
Department of Economic Theory and Economics of Enterprise

Zemlyak Anastasiia

Laboratory assistant at the department of economic theory

and enterprise economics

Department of Economic Theory and Economics of Enterprise


The Department of Economic Theory and Economics of Enterprise carries out educational, scientific, organizational, methodological and educatory work aimed at training highly qualified specialists in economics at the first (bachelor) and second (master) levels of higher education.

An economist is a modern profession. This is an expert in economics and economic issues. Economists are in demand wherever it is necessary to make calculations to optimize the enterprise, plan and calculate finances, control the cost of funds and analyze the enterprise performance, elaborate a strategy for the development of the enterprise, the region and the state as a whole.

Within the studies the future economists develop knowledge, skills, abilities and professional competencies necessary for the training of highly qualified professionals who have conceptual knowledge, practical skills, high worldview and civic qualities, able to think critically and innovatively, professionally solve complex problems. specialized tasks of socio-economic systems functioning, including the agricultural sector of the national economy.

The mission of the Department of Economic Theory and Economics of Enterprise is to train highly qualified, creative, enterprising, ambitious, far-sighted specialists in economics.

Our core values:

► holistic approach to education in general, combining the process of cognition and development of intelligence simultaneously with socio-emotional development of the student;

► training of specialists with modern economic thinking, theoretical knowledge and practical skills needed to solve problems of the subject area;

► respect for the personality of all participants of the educational process;

► professionalism and personal development;

► decency, academic integrity and ethics;

► partnership and teamwork.

 The main tasks of the Department:

► carrying out educational and professional programs, curricula; theoretical development and practical implementation of a single concept for the realization of the study content by educational components;

► organization and implementation at the appropriate scientific and methodological level of the educational process in group and individual forms of work;

► development and approval of tools for the level of knowledge diagnostic, common assessment criteria; implementation of current and final quality control of knowledge through credit and examination sessions, certification exams, defense of course and qualification works;

►preparation and systematic updating of methodological support of the educational process on educational components;

►elaboration of various forms and methods of educational work with students;

►management of students’ research work, organization of scientific student clubs;

►conducting research and teaching staff’s professional development, internships at related departments in leading higher education institutions in Ukraine and abroad;

►organization of academic mobility with other higher education institutions, holding joint lectures, round tables, preparation and publication of scientific and educational literature;

►preparation and publication of educational, scientific and methodical literature on educational components taught at the Department;

►conducting information classes for students of secondary schools and colleges in order to carry out career guidance work; organization of educational activities for children, adolescents and youth.

 The Department’s teaching staff constantly improve their professional skills: undergo training courses (internships) in domestic and foreign higher education institutions; attend webinars and round tables organized by Ukrainian and foreign speakers on modern teaching methods, grant support, trends in economics and prospects of science in the context of socio-economic processes transformation. It allows to generate basic principles for bringing education and science closer to practice and strengthens the educational-professional programs results.

The list of academic disciplines taught at the Department

  • History of economics and economic thought
  • Political economy
  • Microeconomics
  • Macroeconomics
  • Regional economy
  • International Economics
  • Business Economics
  • Analysis of economic activity
  • Economic analysis
  • Statistics
  • Agricultural statistics
  • Economic statistics
  • Economic globalization
  • Methodology and organization of scientific research
  • Economic globalization: managerial aspect
  • Statistical methods of information processing in research
  • Organization and methodology of economic analysis
  • Finance, money and credit
  • Insurance
  • Investment
  • Economics of a modern enterprise
  • Innovative potential of the enterprise
  • Economic security of the enterprise
  • Internal economic mechanism
  • Prices and pricing
  • AIC technology systems
  • Stock exchange activity
  • Cooperation and integration in agribusiness
  • Economic diagnostics of the enterprise
  • Designing business activities in agriculture
  • Economics and entrepreneurship
  • Economics of agricultural production
  • Economics and organization of agricultural production
  • Organization of agrarian business
  • Business planning of business activity
  • Organization and planning of production and economic activities of enterprises
  • Strategic analysis
  • Labor economics and social and labor relations
  • Organization of regional green tourism
  • Microeconomics (for foreigners)
  • Macroeconomics (for foreigners)
  • Jurisprudence
  • Intellectual property rights
  • Contract law
  • Commercial and labor law
  • Agrarian and environmental law
  • Agrarian law


Department of Economic Theory and Economics of Enterprise

The academic staff. From left to right: Senior laboratory assistant S. Shevchenko, Laboratory assistant N. Boiko, Dean of the faculty, Associate professor L. Bakhchyvanzhy, Associate professor O. Petrenko, Head of the department, Professor O. Halytskyi, Associate professor A. Shevchenko, Senior lecturer O. Radutna, Associate professor N. Burdeina, Senior lecturer H. Topov, Associate professor H. Atamas.

The history of the Department of Economic Theory and Economics of Enterprise dates back to the 1930s. It is one of the first specialized economic departments in Odesa Agrarian Institute and among universities of Ukraine. It was created by order of the People’s Commissariat of Education on December 28, 1930 as the Department of Agriculture Organization headed by Associate professor       O. Podkaminskyi. In 1946-1947 professor I. Petrovskyi was appointed Head of the department, who was also Deputy director of the Institute for educational and scientific work. In 1949, a graduate of Odesa Agrarian Institute, Ph.D of economics, Associate professor. M. Braslavets was invited to the position of the Department head, who gave a new impetus to research and their systemic development. Under his leadership, research at the Department reached new directions and scientific level, using fundamentally new techniques and methods that no one had ever used before.

The Department of Agricultural Economics was established in accordance with the Order № 304, November 2, 1961 of the Odesa Agricultural Institute rector.  Ph.D of Economics, Professor, Honored Worker of Higher Education of the Ukrainian SSR M. Murashchenko was appointed its head. He published a course of lectures on the economics of agriculture, published 30 scientific papers, 9 PhD theses were prepared and defended under his scientific guidance. In 1978     M. Murashchenko was awarded the honorary title of “Honored Worker of Higher Education of the Ukrainian SSR” for his fruitful and multifaceted scientific, methodical and educational work.

In September 1, 1997 the Department of Agricultural Economics was merged with the Department of Political Economy under the name of Economic Theory and Agricultural Economics, headed by Ph.D of economics, Associate professor  A. Tymchurenko, a well-known agricultural economist. He has published more than 50 scientific papers. 4 candidate dissertations were defended Under his scientific guidance.

A significant contribution to the development of the Department of Economic Theory and Economics of the Enterprise was made at different times by its heads – Ph.D of economics, Associate professor K. Cherno, Ph.D of economics Professor A. Lushchuk. 9 scientific dissertations were prepared and defended under scientific guidance of K. Cherno, 17 scientific works were published. Professor     A. Lushchuk published 52 scientific papers, 5 Ph.D theses were defended under his scientific guidance. He was elected Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Adviser-Consultant to the Head of the Department of Political Economy of the Slovak Polytechnic Institute (Bratislava, Czechoslovakia). He successfully combined administrative work with teaching and research activities, showing creativity and innovative approach.

The scientific and pedagogical activities of numerous researchers, who gave rise to new scientific directions and ideas for the formation of new economic specialties was of great importance for the Department formation. Among them there are: Doctor of Economics, Professors: D. Kharkivskyi, P. Pokrytan,  I. Sereda, M. Moisa, Yu. Lupenko, V. Doha, N. Dobrianska; Ph.D of economics, Associate professors: O. Boiko, N. Vishetka, R. Vishlina, M. Hostryk, O. Drozdov, V. Zatvornytskyi, R. Kolesnyk, L. Kyhym, ​​О. Radchenko, V. Taranenko,  А. Dobrynov, L. Pazii, T. Vasylieva, S. Ostruk, H. Tenisheva, A. Bodylova, H. Shcholokov, B. Sobolev, Z. Tokareva, H. Zapsha, A. Riabenko, Yu.. Sotnikov, I. Kriukova, H. Atamas, N. Burdeina, Ye. Holubkov, L. Lopotan; Senior lecturers: Yu. Zhytomyrskyi, Ye. Lymanskyi, P. Luhovskyi, L. Laburenko, А. Prysiazhniuk, О. Plakhotniuk, V. Sakharov, V. Zhyhulin, S. Kryzhanivska, H. Topov, О. Krynytska, S. Syromiat, O. Radutna; Assistants: V. Hevchiuk, L. Rohovska, L. Hrodz, L. Kovalkina, L. Klimova, V. Masin, O. Orlyk, S. Kozynsky, Z. Stepanova, L. Poliakova, A. Topov.

Technical support within the study process was provided by laboratory assistants: O. Osipova, A. Kazandzhi, S. Shevchenko, N. Boiko. Throughout the period of functioning of the Department, its staff was characterized by a creative approach to the organization of education.

A significant contribution to the development of the Department was made by Professor M. Moisa, whose academic heritage includes more than 130 scientific papers, including 3 textbooks and 3 monographs. 7 candidate dissertations were defended under his scientific guidance.

Ph.D. of economics, Associate Professor L. Bakhchyvanzhy headed the Department in 2006-2016.

On September 1, 2016, the Department of Economic Theory and Economics was merged with the Department of Agribusiness, Finance and Law, headed by Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor O. Halytskyi.

Since September 1, 2021 the Department has been carrying out its activities under the head of Doctor of Economics, Professor T. Shabatura.

Serious scientific and methodical work is carried out at the department. Since 2016, the Department’s staff have published a significant number of monographs, manuals and teaching materials. More than 60 articles have been published in professional and scientific journals, more than 20 scientific papers being included in the SCOPUS and Web of Science databases. More than 100 Conference abstracts have been published, 2 theses for Doctor of Economics degree and 2 theses for Ph.D of Economics degree have been defended.

The staff of the Department pays considerable attention to improving the quality of training of highly qualified specialists for the agricultural sector of the economy. The department hosts 3 students research clubs: “Analysis of economic activity of agricultural enterprises”, supervisor: Doctor of Economics, Professor T. Shabatura; “Financial and credit mechanism”, supervisor: Ph.D of Economics, Associate professor O. Petrenko; “Modern technologies in agriculture”, supervisor: Ph.D of Economics, Associate professor. A. Shevchenko. Members of student research clubs speak at interuniversity, all-Ukrainian and international scientific-practical conferences, take an active part in all-Ukrainian competitions of scientific works and all-Ukrainian Olympiads on study components of educational and professional programs. As a result, the participants are annually awarded diplomas and certificates.



Odesa, Oleksandr Matrosov Lane, 6

office №805

e-mail: et_odau@ukr.net

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