Odesa State Agrarian University

Admission for Postgraduate Studies

Admission for Postgraduate Studies


Apply to preparation of applicants for higher education at the third educational and scientific level of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (full-time and part-time) through Postgraduate studies for 2022-2023 academic year in the following courses:

Code and field of studyCode and course
07 Management and administration073 «Management»
20 Agricultural Sciences and Food201 «Agronomy»
20 Agricultural Sciences and Food204 «Technology of production and processing of livestock products»
21 Veterinary medicine211 «Veterinary medicine»

Applicants with  Master’s or Specialist’s degree are eligible for competitive admission in postgraduate programme. To take entrance examinations it is necessary to submit all the documents in accordance with admission rules. Foreign applicants are enrolled at the cost of natural and legal persons throughout a year.

Documents required for admission:

  1. application to Rector of the University stating the specialty, form of studies and sources of funding.
  2. the list and originals or certified copies of published scientific papers and inventions (if any); persons who do not have published scientific works and inventions, submit scientific abstracts in their chosen scientific specialty with a review of the prospective Academic`s Adviser;
  3. medical insurance policy
  4. copies of the diploma of higher education qualification (specialization) of  Specialist or  Master and  appendix to it (a copy of the nostrified diploma for the persons who have received the corresponding education abroad), the passport;
  5. consent to  personal data collection and processing;
  6. four colour photos (3 × 4 cm);
  7. the prospective Academic Adviser`s conclusion  (following interviewing  results)
  8. postgraduation entry exams certificate  (if any);
  9. copy of the foreign`s passport or identity document for a stateless person

Applications to postgraduate studies take entrance exams:

– the specialty (in the scope of the curriculum for a Specialist or Master, which corresponds to their chosen scientific specialty);

– foreign language in accordance with B2 Level of Common European Framework of Reference for Languages;

– additional entrance exam for applicants who apply to field of knowledge (specialty) different from stated in the Master’s or Specialist’s diploma.

The Head of Postgraduate Admission of
Odesa State Agrarian University
65012, Odesa, Panteleimonivska St., 13
Office 205
(0482) 37-16-09

Submit documents