Odesa State Agrarian University

Holding a conference by the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of OSAU

Holding a conference by the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of OSAU

We invite you to participate in II International scientific and practical conference for teaching staff and young researchers


which will be held in Odesa State Agrarian University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine:
Odesa, Panteleimonivska 13,
on October 17-18, 2024.

The Conference is focused on sharing experience, improving educational process and solving development problems in the veterinary medicine field

Certificate No. 167 dated March 5, 2024
of the State Scientific Institution “Ukrainian Institute of Scientific and Technical Expertise and Information”



SECTION 1. Diagnosis of diseases and therapy of animals in modern education, science and practice
SECTION 2. Modern state and prospects for the development of veterinary physiology and biotechnology
SECTION 3. Normal and pathological morphology of animals and forensic veterinary medicine
SECTION 4. Latest achievements in veterinary surgery and obstetrics: theory and practice
SECTION 5. Biological safety, biosecurity and epizootic well-being of livestock
SECTION 6. Veterinary hygiene, sanitation and food inspection.


Terms for participation in the Сonference and abstract publication

Conference languages – Ukrainian, English.
Form of Participation: hybrid. (the link for Zoom will be sent 1-2 days before)
Participation in the Conference: remote participation – free of charge, organizational fee in case of face-to-face participation – 600 hryvnias.
Conference materials:
Deadline for submitting application form and abstract – September 15, 2024.
Publication of the Conference collection on the website – by October 30, 2024.

Please, send report abstracts to e-mail: conference.fvm.85@gmail.com
Registration link: https://forms.gle/g2KWNfCgU6L6F3ZBA

Liudmyla PEROTSKA, Ph.D. of Veterinary Sciences, Docent – +380934632656 (Viber);
Nina DANKEVYCH, Ph.D. of Veterinary Sciences, – +380668987831 (Viber).


Abstract volume – 2-5 pages
Format – Word (.doc, .docx),
Font – Times New Roman, Font size – 14,
Line spacing – 1.0, paragraph – 1.25 cm,
All margins of 2 cm.

The editorial board reserves the right to edit the submitted materials, as well as to reject them in case of academic integrity violation or inconsistency with the Conference topic. The editorial board is not responsible for reliability of the presented facts.

Abstracts will be checked using StrikePlagiarism system.
All participants will be awarded certificates of participation.


UDC code (Font size 14, alignment – left)
Abstract title (All caps, bold, center alignment);
Name of the author(s) (Sentence case, bold, center alignment) scientific degree, academic title, position, place of work/study (name of institution, city, state). ORCID and e-mail addresses of all authors are mandatory.
Through an interval, main text of abstract – justified alignment
Reference list is drawn up in accordance with the requirements of DSTU 8302:2015, up to 4-5 sources. A reference number in the text should be enclosed in square brackets.

On request, after the conference the authors of the abstracts can expand the materials and publish them in the form of articles in the scientific collection of Odesa Sate Agrarian University “Agrarian Bulletin of the Black Sea Littoral” (included in the List of Scientific and Professional Publications of Ukraine, category “B”)

Venue, time and format of the conference, taking into account the security situation, will be announced in the invitation to the conference, which will be sent the day before.

See you at the Conference!

the Organizing Committee


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