Odesa State Agrarian University

International Education Center for the Training of Foreign Citizens

International Education Center for the Training of Foreign Citizens

The Odesa State Agrarian University has an international education center for the training of foreign citizens, which provides training for students at the preparatory department for admission to a higher educational institution and basic training at the faculties.

Foreigners and stateless persons are enrolled in higher education institutions based on the results of the interview and on the basis of the concluded contract. Foreigners arriving for study must have an entry visa of type “D”, which they obtain at the Embassies of Ukraine in the respective countries.

The basis for issuing an entry visa to Ukraine for the purpose of study is the original of the corresponding invitation, which is issued at the request of foreigners (Odesa, 13 Panteleymonivska St., International Education Center for the Training of Foreign Citizens, room 107, phone: +38 (093) 363-75-22, E-mail: foreign@osau.edu.ua

Foreigners are admitted to study for junior bachelor’s, bachelor’s and master’s degrees, and doctor of philosophy degrees for accredited educational programs.

OSAU can also accept foreigners for postgraduate studies, doctoral studies, programs of the preparatory faculty (subdivision), for learning the state language and/or the language of instruction, as well as for postgraduate education, advanced training, and internships.

Foreigners are admitted to accredited educational programs. Foreigners can choose such specialties. as:

  • agrobiotechnological faculty: horticulture, horticulture and viticulture, protection and quarantine of plants, agronomy;
  • educational and scientific institute of biotechnology and aquaculture. Technology of production and processing of animal husbandry products;
  • faculty of geodesy, land management and agricultural engineering: geodesy and land management, agricultural engineering;
  • Faculty of Economics and Management: management, accounting and taxation, economics;
  • Faculty of Veterinary Medicine: Veterinary Medicine

Acceptance of documents from foreigners for obtaining bachelor’s and master’s degrees is carried out in the following terms:

  • July 1, 2024 to August 29, 2024 – the first set;
  • from September 2, 2024 to October 30, 2024 – the second set;

The Preparatory Department of the Odessa State Agrarian University (hereinafter referred to as the State Agrarian University) accepts foreigners and stateless persons who have a certificate of complete general secondary education and, due to their health, can study in higher education institutions and live in the climatic conditions of Ukraine.

Entrants from visa-free and visa-free countries to enter Ukraine for study need an Invitation to study, which can be obtained from the International Education Center for the Training of Foreign Citizens.

The invitation can be received by the entrant or a proxy by providing a notarized Power of Attorney.

Pre-university training:

The pre-university training program will allow adapting the acquired knowledge to the educational system of Ukraine. Successful completion of studies at the Preparatory Department is a guarantee of admission to the ranks of students of Odesa State Agrarian University or any other institution of higher education in Ukraine.

The Preparatory Department carries out purposeful language training for foreign citizens and training in general education disciplines in order to ensure successful study at the main faculties of OSAU and other higher education institutions of Ukraine.

Pre-university training consists of two cycles:

  • 1st cycle – language training
  • II cycle – study of general disciplines.

The International Education Center for the Training of Foreign Citizens provides training for foreign citizens in the following areas:

  • health care, biological, agricultural
  • engineering and technical, engineering and economic

Training is conducted in Ukrainian and English when forming a group of 15-20 people.

Terms of admission:

The terms of admission to the PVI, by separate agreements, admission is possible during the year.

Duration of study:

  • According to the Regulations on the International Education Center for the Training of Foreign Citizens of OSAU (new edition), approved by the meeting of the Academic Council of OSAU dated July 1, 2021, protocol No. 10, Order of the Chancellor of OSAU No. 241-zag dated July 2, 2021, the term of study of the CMO with PIG is 3 -12 months.

Start of classes:

  • at the preparatory department: depending on the number of academic groups;

students at the faculties – from September 1 (admission during the year is possible by separate agreements)

Admission of foreigners to study can be carried out face-to-face and/or remotely. In connection with the introduction of martial law in Ukraine, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine launched distance learning in higher educational institutions, therefore Odesa State Agrarian University and the Center for International Education for the Training of Foreign Citizens also joined this type of education. According to the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 276 dated 15.03.2023 (with amendments introduced in accordance with the Orders of the Ministry of Education and Science No. 682 dated 06.06.2023, No. 865 dated 19.07.2023 No. 24 dated 11.01.2024 )

Foreigners who have received an invitation to study registered in the Automated System “Electronic Journal” of a state-owned enterprise authorized by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, have received a set of information and consulting support services, and have received a visa to enter Ukraine can participate in remote admission (except for citizens of visa-free entry countries) for the purpose of education and have completed the procedure of legalization of education documents in the country of their issuance: (legalization was carried out in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) of the country that issued the education document; legalization was carried out in the consular department of a diplomatic institution of Ukraine abroad (consular legalization or apostille)).

For the organization of remote recruitment of foreign citizens to study for higher education, OSAU concludes an agreement with partner companies that are residents of the country of origin of the entrants.

For more detailed information on distance learning recruitment, you can contact the International Education Center for the Training of Foreign Citizens by phone +38(093) 363-75-22, or by sending a letter to the e-mail address: foreign@osau.edu.ua

The sequence of remote admission of a foreign citizen to study at OSAU:

  1. A foreign citizen, through a partner company, submits documents for an invitation to study at our university, namely:

– passport

If at least one of the above items is not fulfilled, the foreigner will not be allowed to enter the territory of Ukraine by border control.

Upon arrival for study, foreigners must submit the following documents, legalized in the prescribed manner, to the Center for International Education for the Training of Foreign Citizens:

  • application addressed to the rector of the University;
  • invitation to OSAU;
  • the original and a copy of the document on education with an appendix (obtained from the educational disciplines of the evaluation), certified in the country of their issuance in the manner that is officially used in this country for such certification, legalized by the relevant foreign institution of Ukraine and translated into Ukrainian and notarized in Ukraine – 2 copies);
  • a copy of a foreigner’s passport document or a document certifying a person without citizenship, translated into Ukrainian with a notarized translation certificate;
  • contract (policy) of voluntary medical insurance;
  • a medical certificate confirming the absence of HIV infection and fluoroscopy of the chest. In the absence of a certificate, or if the certificate is not recognized in Ukraine, the foreign entrant is obliged to donate blood for analysis for the absence of HIV infection in a timely manner at his own expense.

The document must be issued no later than 2 months before entry to study in Ukraine.

  • medical health certificate (original and copy with a notarized translation into Ukrainian), which confirms the absence of medical contraindications for living and studying in Ukraine, certified by the official health authority of the country from which the foreign citizen arrived;
  • birth certificate (a copy translated into Ukrainian);
  • a certificate of submission of an education document for recognition (nostrification) in Ukraine or a Certificate of recognition in Ukraine of a foreign education document (if available);
  • 12 photos, size 30×40 mm, color, matte.

Documents must be certified in accordance with the legislation of the country of their issuance and legalized in the prescribed manner (consular legalization or apostille).

After enrolling in studies at the International Education Center for the Training of Foreign Citizens, foreigners must:

  • draw up an agreement on the provision of educational services (training);
  • pay tuition fees;
  • extend the period of stay in Ukraine;
  • take out an insurance policy for the provision of medical assistance;
  • draw up a contract of voluntary liability insurance for the reimbursement of expenses related to the execution of the decision on deportation outside Ukraine;
  • carry out the nostrification procedure of education documents at the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine during the first semester of study.

How to issue a temporary residence permit in Ukraine?

Citizens of states with a visa entry procedure arrive in Ukraine with a type “D” visa obtained at a consular institution of Ukraine abroad at the invitation of the University to study. Within five working days after arriving at the University, but no later than 30 days before the visa expires, they are obliged to submit to the Center for International Education for the Training of Foreign Citizens a passport and documents necessary for the issuance of a temporary residence permit in Ukraine (further – certificate).

Citizens of countries with visa-free entry can stay in Ukraine for up to 90 days in any 180-day period. That is, to calculate the permitted period of stay, 180 days are counted back from the date of submission of documents. A foreigner will not violate the rules if within this 180-day period he was in Ukraine for no more than 90 days. Such foreigners must, within five working days after arriving at the University, but no later than 30 days before the end of the established period of stay in Ukraine, submit to the Department for Work with Foreign Citizens a passport and the documents necessary to issue a permit.

In order to prepare a complete package of documents for issuing a passport, a foreigner or a stateless person who has arrived in Ukraine for the purpose of studying shall submit to the International Education Center for the Training of Foreign Citizens:

  • a passport document with a type “D” visa, unless otherwise stipulated by the legislation and international treaties of Ukraine;
  • translation into Ukrainian of the page of the passport document with personal data, notarized in Ukraine;
  • comprehensive insurance policy for foreigners for the period of validity of the study permit

Foreigners who arrived in Ukraine for the purpose of studying and received a permit are considered to be legally staying on the territory of Ukraine for the period of study. Passports are issued to foreigners and stateless persons who have reached the age of 16.

The certificate is produced in the form of a card containing a contactless electronic medium.

The passport is a document certifying the identity of a foreigner or stateless person and confirming the legal grounds for temporary residence in Ukraine. The certificate is issued for the study period, which is determined by the order of the University on establishing study periods for foreign students.

Documents for registration of a passport (including instead of a lost or stolen one), its exchange are submitted personally by a foreigner or a stateless person to a state-owned enterprise belonging to the sphere of management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, or the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at the place of registration.

Documents for issuing a passport must be submitted no later than 15 working days before the end of the established period of stay in Ukraine.

In the event of the occurrence of circumstances (events) in connection with which the permit is subject to exchange (except for the expiration of its validity period), documents for its exchange shall be submitted within one month from the date of occurrence of such circumstances (events).

In case of expiration of the validity period of the permit, documents for its exchange may be submitted no later than 15 working days before the date of expiration of its validity period. In this case, the passport to be exchanged is returned to the person after receiving the documents and surrendered by him when receiving a new passport.

After receiving a passport, a foreigner must submit it within three working days to the Center for International Education for the Training of Foreign Citizens in order to register the place of residence in Ukraine.

In accordance with Clause 7 of the Rules for registration of the place of residence, approved by Resolution No. 207 of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 02.03.2016 (Amended by Resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 964 dated 14.12.2016, No. 202 dated 29.03.2017, No. 579 dated 09.08.2017, No. 665 dated 30.08.2017, No. 691 dated 10.07.2019, No. 1166 dated 27.12.2019, No. 431 dated 01.06.2020, No. 481 dated 27.05. 2020 – in addition, see Resolution of the Sixth Administrative Court of Appeal No. 640/14809/20 dated 09/28/2021, No. 701 dated 07/22/2020, No. 911 dated 09/23/2020, No. 1362 dated 12.23.2020 ., No. 1364 dated 12.28.2020), registration of the place of residence is carried out only at one address. If a person lives in two or more places, he registers his place of residence at one of these addresses of his choice. Official correspondence and delivery of official correspondence is conducted with the person at the address of the registered place of residence.

Foreign students must register their place of residence within 30 calendar days after deregistration of the place of residence and arrival at the new place of residence.

If a foreign student violates the procedure for issuing (issuing, exchanging) a passport and/or terminating the grounds for further legal stay on the territory of Ukraine, such a foreigner will be expelled from the student body (listeners) for violating the migration legislation of Ukraine.

The extension of the period of stay in Ukraine is carried out in the bodies of the state migration service on the basis of a written application of the University, which is prepared by the Department for Work with Foreign Citizens. The appeal is submitted no later than three working days from the date the foreigner submitted his national passport (or a document that replaces it) to the University.

Students of higher education and students of Odesa State Agrarian University are provided with a dormitory.

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