Odesa State Agrarian University

Start of Interreg NEXT BSB project “Harnessing Algae Power for Pollution Reduction and Blue Growth

Start of Interreg NEXT BSB project “Harnessing Algae Power for Pollution Reduction and Blue Growth

Start of Interreg NEXT BSB project “Harnessing Algae Power for Pollution Reduction and Blue Growth


Odesa State Agrarian University is pleased to announce the start of the project “Harnessing Algae Power for Pollution Reduction and Blue Growth” (project acronym – AlgaeRevive, project code – BSB00091) within the framework of the Interreg NEXT Black Sea Basin Program, co-funded by the European Union.

The project brings together partners from five countries – Romania, Bulgaria, Georgia, Greece, and Ukraine – to collaboratively address common challenges related to algal blooms and their impact on the marine ecosystem. The goal of the project is to create a sustainable and innovative ecosystem for algae research, innovation and industrial implementation in the Black Sea region. The project is aimed at harnessing the potential of algae as a solution to reduce pollution, particularly in the context of marine ecosystems, as well as exploring their potential for a variety of industrial applications.

The main activities of the project include:

  • development of an AI-based algae monitoring tool called AlgaeSense.
  • mapping and monitoring of algae communities, which will include a preliminary assessment of Black Sea algae potential and identification of key
  • pilot activities such as the identification and cultivation of algal species with industrial potential and their introduction into selected areas of the sea to assess their effectiveness in reducing nutrient levels and mitigating eutrophication. These pilot activities will provide valuable information on the viability of algae-based solutions for pollution abatement and their potential for industrial use

Leading Partner is Via Pontica Foundation, Republic of Bulgaria

Project Partners:

Prof. Dr. Asen Zlatarov University (UNIAZ), Republic of Bulgaria

Tsotne Mirtskulava Water Management Institute (WMIGTU), Georgia

Odesa State Agrarian University (OSAU), Ukraine

Hellenic Agricultural Organization DIMITRA (ELGO), Hellenic Republic

Ovidius University (OUC), Romania

Start of Interreg NEXT BSB project “Harnessing Algae Power for Pollution Reduction and Blue Growth
Programme priority: Blue and Smart Region

Project duration: 09/2024 – 03/2027 (30 months)


Total project budget is 1.470.899,04 Euros

EU funding is 1.323.809,13 Euros




The project will have a significant regional, national and cross-border impact and OSAU is proud to be a partner in the relevant consortium.


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