Odesa State Agrarian University

Department of technology of production and processing of animal husbandry products

Department of technology of production and processing of animal husbandry products

Department of technology of production and processing of animal husbandry products





 Head of department,
candidate of agricultural sciences, associate professor
Pushkar Tetiana




Кадровий склад кафедри

Full namePosition, academic degree, academic titleAdditional Information

Department of technology of production and processing of animal husbandry products

Pushkar Tetiana

The head of the department of technology of production

and processing of animal husbandry products

candidate of agricultural sciences, associate professor

Department of technology of production and processing of animal husbandry products

Department of technology of production and processing of animal husbandry products

Kytaieva Alla

Professor of the department of technology of production

and processing of animal husbandry products

doctor of agricultural sciences, professor

Department of technology of production and processing of animal husbandry products

Department of technology of production and processing of animal husbandry products

Susol Ruslan

Professor of the department of technology of production

and processing of animal husbandry products

doctor of agricultural sciences, professor

Department of technology of production and processing of animal husbandry products
Department of technology of production and processing of animal husbandry products

Husiatynska Olena

Associate professor of the department of technology of production

and processing of animal husbandry products

candidate of agricultural sciences

Department of technology of production and processing of animal husbandry products

Department of technology of production and processing of animal husbandry products

Kirovych Nataliia

Associate professor of the department of technology of production

and processing of animal husbandry products

candidate of agricultural sciences, associate professor

Department of technology of production and processing of animal husbandry products

Department of technology of production and processing of animal husbandry products

Yasko Valentyna

Associate professor of the department of technology of production

and processing of animal husbandry products

candidate of agricultural sciences, associate professor

Department of technology of production and processing of animal husbandry products

Department of technology of production and processing of animal husbandry products

Kosenko Svitlana

Associate professor of the department of technology of production

and processing of animal husbandry products

candidate of agricultural sciences

Department of technology of production and processing of animal husbandry products

Department of technology of production and processing of animal husbandry products

Bezaltychna Olena

Associate professor of the department of technology of production

and processing of animal husbandry products

candidate of agricultural sciences

Department of technology of production and processing of animal husbandry products

Department of technology of production and processing of animal husbandry products

Naidich Olha

Associate professor of the department of technology of production

and processing of animal husbandry products

candidate of veterinary sciences, associate professor

Department of technology of production and processing of animal husbandry products
Department of technology of production and processing of animal husbandry products

Sliusarenko Ihor

Assistant of the department of technology of production

and processing of animal husbandry products

doctor of philosophy in specialty 204 “Technology of production and processing of animal husbandry products”

Department of technology of production and processing of animal husbandry products
Department of technology of production and processing of animal husbandry products

Harmatiuk Kateryna

Assistant of the department of technology of production

and processing of animal husbandry products

doctor of philosophy in specialty 204 “Technology of production and processing of animal husbandry products”

Department of technology of production and processing of animal husbandry products

Department of technology of production and processing of animal husbandry products

Yaroshuk Olena

Assistant of the department of technology of production

and processing of animal husbandry products

Department of technology of production and processing of animal husbandry products
Department of technology of production and processing of animal husbandry products

Cheban Mariia

Senior laboratory technician of the department of technology of production

and processing of animal husbandry products

Department of technology of production and processing of animal husbandry products
Department of technology of production and processing of animal husbandry products

Cheban Volodymyr

Senior specialist

Department of technology of production and processing of animal husbandry products


Disciplines taught at the department:

• Fundamentals of professional activity
• Zoology
• Technology of production of poultry products
• Technology of production of pig production
• Technology of production of sheep
production • Technology of production of beekeeping •
Horse breeding
• Technology of production of beekeeping
• Ethology
• Decorative animal husbandry
• Standardization of production of livestock breeding
• Production of animal husbandry
• Technology of processing livestock products
• Technochemical control of quality and safety of food products
• Technology of slaughter products
• Keeping bee families “specialty Beekeeping”
• Honey resources “specialization Beekeeping”
• honeybees Biology “specialization Beekeeping”
• Hydrochemistry and Hydrobiology “specialization Fish”
• Ichthyology “specialization Fish”
• taming dogs “specialization Kinologiya”
• dogs Biology “specialization Kinologiya”
• Specialized beef cattle
• Technology of meat and meat products
• Modeling of processes in animal
• Technology for production of organic livestock products
• Special dog breeding “specialization Dog Trainer I ‘
• Basics hendlinha rynhovoyi expertise and dogs “specialization Kinologiya”
• Beekeeping Technology “specialization Beekeeping”
• Technology of processing of beekeeping products “specialization Beekeeping»
• Production technology of fish “specialization Fish»
• Technology of processing production breeding “specialization Fish»
• Advanced technologies in animal
• Technology of milk and dairy products
• Biological productivity of farm animals
• Technology of livestock production
• processing technology and storage of animal products
• livestock
• Actual problems of production and processing of livestock products
• Board selection process
• Innovative technologies of production and processing of animal products
• The history of breeding
• Technology of production of eco-products of animal husbandry
• Methods of organization of dissertation researches

History of the department

The Department of Technology of Production and Processing of Livestock Products (until 2005 – Department of Special Zootechnics) was founded in 1936. Until 1955, it was headed by the candidate of agricultural land. Associate Professor AM Pembeck, specialist in animal husbandry and breeding. In the first stage of the department training of specialists was carried out in parallel with the improvement of training and production base. The staff of the department was replenished with educators and leading experts in animal husbandry, including GS Lutsker (headed the department until 1959), OM Bokalo, MK Didkovskaya, NN Fetisova, LR Turchina, L. P. Rubanova. The department conducted scientific research aimed at studying the history of the formation of red (German) steppe cattle, publishing the first State books of this cattle, as well as Tsigai sheep, a large white breed of pigs. Since 1959, the department has been headed by Dr. S.G. of Sciences Professor IS Zhuravok, and from 1961 to 1978 – Honored Zootechnic Breeder of the Kazakh PCP, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences. Sciences Professor EV Eydriguevich. This stage in the work of the department is characterized by the development of its material and technical base, the improvement of the educational process and research work, the preparation of scientific and pedagogical staff of a new direction. The foundations of the scientific school of EV Eidriguevich, an outstanding breeder with theoretical substantiation of methods for breeding cattle, a researcher of the interior of farm animals, are laid. In order to deepen the quality of teaching teaching material in individual disciplines and increase the level of research work, the department invited MG Kurdyukov (poultry), OI Vlasov (sheep breeding, horse breeding), VV Rayevsk (sheep breeding). Under the guidance of EV Eidriguevich, graduate students are preparing for the defense of the candidate’s work. By 1978, 25 PhD and 1 PhD were defended. EV Eidriguevich initiated the development of immunogenetics – a new direction of genetics in Ukraine. In 1968 he created at the department the laboratory of immunogenetics, whose staff IS Homut, VV Karnozhitsky, GM Rybachuk, MM Lapkin, EV Plosky and others. carry out an examination of the origin of animals in cattle herds of southern Ukraine. A complex method of genetic examination of the origin of animals is being developed using polyvalent heteroimmune serum and polymorphism of serum proteins as markers for animal selection; polymorphism of milk and blood proteins is studied by electrophoresis and immunoelectrophoresis; the hypothesis of “false clutch of genes” is formed, the use of computers for animal testing has been started (IS Khomut, TA Zalevskaya, 3. A. Kuznetsova). Students are involved in research in the immunogenetic laboratory. Many of them later became scientists, and among them – Dr. S.G. of Sciences of VM Yovenko, candidates of agricultural sciences. Sciences OK Khlivny, BG Dobrovolsky, and others. In 1972 the staff of the department held the first All-Union Scientific Conference on Immunogenetics in the USSR. Since 1970 the breeding base of the region for pig breeding has been actively created, and the first regional perspective plan of breeding and breeding work for pig breeding has been developed (1970-1975 pp.). Under the guidance of the associate professor of the department E.M.Agapova created the first breeding pigs of large white breed, new breeding farms; in the Progress collective farm of Izmail district create and pass state approbation of new high-performance pig production lines “Svata 449” and “King 633”; Specialized meat line of pigs has been created in the State Farm of Guards since 1985 (copyright certificate No. 460, 1994). All breeding factories occupy prize-winning places in the VDNG of the USSR. According to the results of the All-Union competitions on the breeding work of EM Agapov, he was awarded the Gold medal of the VDNG of the USSR and zootechnics-breeders of the breeding plant of a large white breed of the farm of them. From 1979 to 1986 the department was headed by Professor Yu. O. Tolokonnikov, Associate Professor EM Agapova (prior to the beginning of his doctoral studies), Professor LG Boyarsky, Associate Professor VK Ivanov, Associate Professor VV Karnozhitsky. In the period from 1987 to 2015, the department was headed by Professor EM Agapova, whose work is connected with the formation of its own scientific school, school of breeders-practitioners, deepening the connection of the members of the department with production. In the 2015-2016 academic year, the department was headed by Professor AP Kitaeva. Professor AP Kitaeva, who has over 40 years of experience at the university, has made a significant contribution through the formation of her own scientific school – with her direct guidance, four PhD theses in sheep and dairy cattle breeding have been defended. Professor AP Kitaev’s range of scientific interests in general is rabbit breeding, fur farming, sheep breeding, goat breeding, dairy and meat cattle breeding and beekeeping. From September 1, 2021 the department is headed by Dr. of Sciences, Associate Professor Kirovich Natalia. Due to the reorganization of the structural units of the Odessa State Agrarian University, as of 01.09.2016, a part of teachers of the reorganized department of zooghygiene and general animal husbandry was attached to the department of technology of production and processing of animal husbandry, after which the department of technology of production and processing of animal husbandry production capacity. The department constantly operates and actively develops an educational laboratory for processing livestock products, where students in practical classes reinforce the theoretical part with practical skills in the production of sausages, various meat (fish) products, canned food, yoghurts, soft and hard cheeses. The efficiency of the educational laboratory is due to the enthusiasm of the head – Nadezhda Tsymbalyuk, who has been leading the laboratory since 2013. Modern teaching staff of the department of technology of production and processing of livestock products is formed of highly qualified specialists who have scientific degrees of doctors and candidates of agricultural sciences, considerable practical and scientific-pedagogical experience, which allows to effectively manage the scientific work of postgraduate students and students, provide methodical and educational work. The staff of the Department of Technology of Production and Processing of Livestock Products maintains a close connection with production and is open to international cooperation. In addition, the staff of the department of technology of production and processing of livestock products accepts entrants for the purpose of presentation of specialty 204 “Technology of production and processing of livestock products” at any working day and time of the academic year.

Head of department: tel. (048) 734-79-70
Department: tel. (048) 734-88-29


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