Odesa State Agrarian University

Department of Plant Protection, Genetics and Breeding

Department of Plant Protection, Genetics and Breeding

Department of Plant Protection, Genetics and Breeding




Head of department,
doctor of agricultural sciences, professor
Kryvenko Anna





Personnel of the department


Full namePosition, academic degree, academic titleAdditional Information
Department of Plant Protection, Genetics and Breeding

Kryvenko Anna

Head of the department of plant protection,

genetics and breeding

doctor of agricultural sciences, professor

Department of Plant Protection, Genetics and Breeding
Department of Plant Protection, Genetics and Breeding

Milkus Borys

Professor of the department of plant protection,

genetics and breeding

doctor of biological sciences, professor


Department of Plant Protection, Genetics and Breeding

Department of Plant Protection, Genetics and Breeding

Krainov Oleh

Associate professor of the department of plant protection,

genetics and breeding

candidate of biological sciences, associate professor


Department of Plant Protection, Genetics and Breeding

Department of Plant Protection, Genetics and Breeding

Solomonov Ruslan

Associate professor of the department of  plant protection,

genetics and breeding

candidate of agricultural sciences, senior researcher

Department of Plant Protection, Genetics and Breeding

Department of Plant Protection, Genetics and Breeding

Balan Halyna

Associate professor of the department of plant protection,

genetics and breeding

candidate of agricultural sciences, associate professor

Department of Plant Protection, Genetics and Breeding

Department of Plant Protection, Genetics and Breeding

Dzham Maiia

Associate professor of the department of plant protection,

genetics and breeding

candidate of agricultural sciences

Department of Plant Protection, Genetics and Breeding
Department of Plant Protection, Genetics and Breeding

Zorunko Viktor

Associate professor of the department of plant protection,

genetics and breeding

candidate of agricultural sciences, associate professor

Department of Plant Protection, Genetics and Breeding

Department of Plant Protection, Genetics and Breeding

Marchenko Tetiana

Associate professor of the department of plant protection,

genetics and breeding

doctor of agricultural sciences, senior researcher

Department of Plant Protection, Genetics and BreedingDepartment of Plant Protection, Genetics and Breeding
Department of Plant Protection, Genetics and Breeding

Kononenko Yulia

Assistant of the department of plant protection,

genetics and breeding

candidate of biological sciences

Department of Plant Protection, Genetics and Breeding
Department of Plant Protection, Genetics and Breeding

Hubych Olena

Assistant, senior laboratory technician of the department

of plant protection, genetics and breeding

Department of Plant Protection, Genetics and Breeding
Department of Plant Protection, Genetics and Breeding

Shcherbakova Liudmyla

Senior laboratory technician of the department

of plant protection, genetics and breeding

Department of Plant Protection, Genetics and Breeding

Startiienko Tetiana

Senior laboratory technician of the department

of plant protection, genetics and breeding


Disciplines taught at the department:
•antagonists of harmful organisms in plant protection against diseases and weeds,
•plant bacteriosis,
•biological protection,
•biological protection against diseases and weeds,
•genetics and selection for immunity,
•genetics epiphytotiology,
•general entomology,
•general mycology,
•general phytopathology,
•identification of pathogens of agricultural crops,
•plant immunity,
•integrated protection,
•integrated protection in vegetable growing,
•integrated plant protection, plant quarantine,
•ticks, comp lexical protection systems Immunological method in plant protection,
•methodology and organization of scientific researches,
•monitoring of pests of agricultural crops,
•seed science,
•seed production and cultivation science,
•organization of plant protection,
•basics of biological protection against pests,
•bases of quarantine,
•bases of scientific researches in plant protection,
•pathology of genetics with the basics of cytology,
•prognosis of the development of diseases of agricultural crops,
•agricultural entomology,
•agricultural phytopathology,
•breeding of forage crops,
•breeding and seed production of field crops,
•standardization in plant protection,
•technology of cultivation of beneficial insects,
•pesticide toxicology,
•control of phytophagous insects,
•phytosanitary monitoring,
•chemical protection.

History of the department

In the first years of existence of the institute, before the organization of the corresponding department, courses on selection, genetics and variational statistics were taught at different departments: plant growing, viticulture, agriculture. The leading lecturer of these courses was one of the founders of the institute and its first rectors, Doctor of Botany, academician of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Sapegin AA. In 1926 the Department of Genetics was started. The first assistants in genetics and selection were Vorobyov OI, Olshansky MA, Favorov AM. later prominent scientists of our country. In 1937, on the initiative of associate professor Baranovsky DI an independent department of breeding and genetics was organized. Later the department was headed by Larionov DK, one of the oldest agronomists of the seminal scientists of the state. At this time, the department worked prof. Vorobyov AI and breeder corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Favorov AM Lysenko TD lectures on the theory of stage development. In the years 1944-1947 the department was headed by the associate professor Miryu and Yu. From September 1948 to 1951 the department of breeding and seed production was headed by Academician MA Olshansky. From 1954 to October 1973, the department was headed by Associate Professor SV Mokrov, and then to February 1989 by Prof. O. Rizheeva. During this time, a student’s scientific circle is actively working at the department, many of its participants have devoted themselves forever to scientific work. Many of them are now well known scientists: UAAS President Academician OO Sozinov, UAAS Academician Lysenko SF, Doctor of Sciences Linchevsky AA, Burlov VV, Sivolapa YM, Navolotsky VD, Denisov GV, Manziuk VT, Deacon P. and others. From 1989 to 1996 the department of plant breeding, genetics and protection was headed by Professor V. Pilnev. VM Pylnev entered the history of the Odessa State Agrarian University as an educator of young scientific staff and students. Under his leadership, seven PhD students and applicants have defended their dissertations. It was at this time that the department worked intensively on the development of winter wheat varieties and triticale. Since 1996 the Department of Selection and Genetics Associate Professor, and later Professor Gerasimenko VP Since 2002, the Faculty of Agriculture has been granted the right to issue plant protection specialists. From that time the department was named – breeding, genetics and plant protection, and since 2009 – plant protection, breeding and genetics. In 2006, the first release of plant protection agronomists took place. Today, the department is headed by Doctors of Sciences Professors Gerasimenko VP, Milkus BN, Kindruk MA, Associate Professors: Zoranko VI, Ageeva OV, Balan GO, Gulyaeva II , Krainov OO, Varenik BF, Popova LV Teachers of the department take courses of lectures on breeding and seed production of field, vegetable and fruit crops, genetics, cultivation science, seed science, phytopathology, entomology, phytopharmacology, phyto-sanitary monitoring, epiphytothiology, prognosis of development of pests, plant diseases. The department manages two streams of professional development of employees of the system of state testing and state inspection. With the participation of the department the national standard of Ukraine on seed terms and definitions was prepared. To improve the teaching process at the department developed and published methodological guidelines for laboratory and practical classes in all disciplines. Students of foreign states traveled at the department, and domestic and foreign specialists performed their PhD theses. During the post-war years, under the direction of the scientists of the department, 25 candidates defended their dissertations. The department conducts research work with students of the Faculty of Agronomy. Annually 12-16 students of the 3rd year are assigned to the department’s faculty to carry out scientific researches and writing diploma works. Students participate in state scientific conferences and inter-university subject olympiads, print scientific articles jointly with the teachers of the department. Scientific achievements of the department. Under the guidance of Prof. O. Rizhieva was created a variety of fodder sunflower silo Pechenig. It is obtained by complex hybridization. Its yield of green mass reaches 500-800 c / ha with a protein content of 12.7%. The department conducted selection and seed production of winter wiki under the leadership of Ph.D. Dobrova E.S. New winter varieties of winter Black Sea and Ukrainian were created, which in the conditions of the South of Ukraine significantly exceeded the varieties-standards, both in quality of green mass and in productivity of seeds. It is established that the Black Sea variety, when sown in a mixture with wheat, gives the maximum yield, with a seeding rate of 2.5 + 1.5-2.0 million / ha of similar seeds. Work is currently underway to create winter soft wheat varieties and triticale forage. The work of the associate professor of the department Zorunko VI for identifying and exploring new varieties of winter soft and durum wheat.

Contact information
65012, Odessa, str. Cable 99, aud. 333
tel. 734-78-06
email: kafedrazasity@gmail.com

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