Odesa State Agrarian University

Department of field and vegetable crops

Department of field and vegetable crops

Department of field and vegetable crops



Head of department, 
doctor of agricultural sciences, associate professor
Rudik Oleksandr





Personnel of the department

Full namePosition, academic degree, academic titleAdditional Information

Department of field and vegetable crops

Rudik Oleksandr

Head of the department of field and vegetable crops

doctor of agricultural sciences, associate professor

Department of field and vegetable crops

Department of field and vegetable crops

Shcherbakov Viktor

Professor of the department of field and vegetable crops

doctor of agricultural sciences, professor

Department of field and vegetable crops
Department of field and vegetable crops

Yurkevych Yevhen

Professor of the department of field and vegetable crops

doctor of agricultural sciences, professor


Department of field and vegetable crops

Department of field and vegetable crops

Popova Liudmyla

Associate professor of the department of field and vegetable crops

candidate of agricultural sciences, associate professor


Department of field and vegetable crops

Department of field and vegetable crops

Latiuk Hryhorii

Associate professor of the department of field and vegetable crops

candidate of agricultural sciences, associate professor

Department of field and vegetable crops
Department of field and vegetable crops

Dubrovin Valerii

Associate professor of the department of field and vegetable crops

candidate of agricultural sciences

Department of field and vegetable crops
Department of field and vegetable crops

Ozhovan Olena

Associate professor of the department of field and vegetable crops

candidate of biological sciences, associate professor

Department of field and vegetable crops

Department of field and vegetable crops

Kulidzhanov Elhudzha

Associate professor of the department of field and vegetable crops

candidate of agricultural sciences, associate professor

Department of field and vegetable crops
Department of field and vegetable crops

Topal Mykola

Assistant of the department of field and vegetable crops

candidate of agricultural sciences

Department of field and vegetable crops
Department of field and vegetable crops

Diadko Ihor

Assistant of the department of field and vegetable crops

candidate of agricultural sciences

Department of field and vegetable crops
Department of field and vegetable crops

Vasylenko Nataliia

Assistant of the department of field and vegetable cropsDepartment of field and vegetable crops
Department of field and vegetable crops

Flakei Valerii

Assistant of the department of field and vegetable cropsDepartment of field and vegetable crops
Department of field and vegetable crops

Lototskyi Oleksii

Assistant of the department of field and vegetable cropsDepartment of field and vegetable crops
Department of field and vegetable crops

Buhro Oksana

Head of the educational laboratoryDepartment of field and vegetable crops
Department of field and vegetable crops

Chernova Oksana

Senior laboratory assistant of the department

of field and vegetable crops

Department of field and vegetable crops



•Basics of the scientific research
•Irrigated agriculture
•General farming with the basics of scientific research
•Adaptive farming systems
•Zonal farming systems
•Fertilizer application systems
•Agrochemistry and standardization and quality management of crop production
•Standardization and quality management of crop production
•Theoretical and applied herbology
•Methods and organization of research in agriculture
•Methods and organization of research in crop production
•Research methods and organization in agronomy
•Plant growing
•Crop production with the basics of forage production
•Crops with the basics of crop programming
•Technology of storage and quality management of crop production
•Innovative technologies in crop production
•Feed production and bulbs
•Ways of stabilization of production of products in adaptive-landscape plant growing.
•Technical cultures
•Technology of storage and processing of crop products
•Technology of crop production
•Crop Programming cultures
•Systems of modern intensive technologies
•Trends in the development of adaptive-landscape agriculture in Ukraine
•Biological bases of plant growing
•World agrotechnology
•Biotechnology in crop production
•Technology of harvesting, storage and processing of vegetable products
•Open soil vegetable growing
•Indoor vegetable growing
•Modern technologies of open and closed soil vegetable growing
•Management of weeds in agrophytocenoses
•Organic vegetable growing
•World concepts of agricultural development
•Global problems of research in agronomy
•Methods and organization of the dissertation research
•Information (digital) technologies in agriculture

History of the department

The Department of Field and Vegetable Crops was created by combining three departments in 2009: Plant, Vegetable, Vegetable, Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, and Department of General Agriculture and Agrochemistry. Crop production as an educational and scientific discipline at the Odessa Agricultural Institute was born in the department of agriculture. At that time plant growing consisted of the following sections: methods of field experience, measures for cultivation of field crops in the steppe areas, grape culture, horticulture, vegetable growing, breeding of agricultural plants, steppe forestry. Such a wide range of plant-growing issues existed until 1925. In 1925, a major section was distinguished from this course – agriculture, which began to develop and deepen, and eventually the name of the department – crop production (1925). The first teacher of the department was the agronomist BM. Kretun. Then Professor OO Lectures and Plant Practice Lectures. Bichikhin, and some courses were read by E.N. Kirkopoulo (forage grasses), A.A. Boiling water (root crops). Professor S.Y. was invited to the position of its first head. Vorobyov, who was then the pro-rector of the OSGI for educational work. It reviewed programs and curricula and organized postgraduate studies. In 1927 the head of the department of arable farming of the Odessa Agricultural Research Station was invited to head the department. Kudinov, who worked at the department for 32 years. Good Practitioner and Researcher, Connoisseur of Steppe Agriculture, M.P. Kudinov has deepened and expanded his research work at the department, especially in the field of agricultural field cultivation. Since 1959 he has been headed by Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor S.Ya. Rosin. Specializing in rice cultivation, S.Ya. Rozin organized and managed the Lugansk, Mykolaiv and Ascension Research Points. In the 60-ies at the department was established laboratory of rice growing, on the account of which the withdrawal of new varieties of rice and the development of agrotechnical issues of this culture in the Danube floodplain. At the department for the first time 2 varieties of winter peas were bred. S.Y. Rosin, ES At the same time, Dobrova at the department developed the agrobiological basics of winter wick on seeds for the southern regions of Ukraine, actively led the breeding of this crop, as a result, it created varieties of “Odessa SSI”, “Black Sea”. At the same time, the associate professor G.P. Maksymchuk, in the future the author of the widely known variety of winter soft wheat “Erythrospermum 127”. In 1975 the head of the department was K.O. Fedoseev. During this time the department has grown in quantitative composition, the laboratory of wheat was organized, the research work with willow (ES Dobrov), chickpeas (RG Vedyshev), sunflower (VP Bezrukov, N.A.) Speshilov), alfalfa (IG Sulimovsky, VS Kravets). In 1977, the winter wheat variety Eritrospermum 127 was cultivated, and in the 1980s the winter witch of the Black Sea. In 1993 the Department of Plant Growing was headed by Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor V.Ya. Shcherbakov. The Department of Vegetable Production of ODAU was created in 1968 by reorganization of the Department of Fruit and Vegetable Production with the formation of independent departments – Vegetables and Fruit Production. Since the beginning of the department, the department was headed by associate professor DP Pushkin. Bilyk, then Associate Professor B.S. Angel, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences LV Eagle, and from 2000 to 2009 – Associate Professor G.I. Latiuk. During the 41 years of its existence, the staff of the department trained more than 1200 specialists-vegetable growers. Employees of the department of vegetable growing were the first among agrarian universities in Ukraine to develop and implement in the educational process credit-module system of education and rating assessment of students’ knowledge. Associate professors D.P. made a significant contribution to the improvement of vegetable growing methods in the south of Ukraine. Bilik, NI Petrukhin, BS Angel. Employees of the department Maximov, GI Latiuk, L.M. Sapozhnikova, L.M. Popova, V.V. Dubrovin conducted and continues to conduct research to improve the technology of growing garlic, onion, lettuce and corn for the purpose of their conveyor income. Establishment of the Department of General Agriculture at the Odessa Agricultural Institute dates from 1918, and its first head was Professor OO. Bichikhin (1918–1931). He directed research work on the study of the southern steppes, field protection of forestry and the use of irrigated fields and the fight against drought. Under the guidance of Professor G.O. Tanyeva (1931–1942) carried out considerable research work, the main directions of which were: weed control, use of post-harvest crops (corn, millet, sorghum, sunflower), development of the most effective field crop rotation schemes adapted to arid regions of southern Sushi Of Ukraine. The greatest focus on drought control was gained by the scientific research of the Department of General Agriculture, when it was headed by Professor Ya. Verbin (1944–1959). Since 1968 at the department under the direction of Professor V.Yu. Kazakova launches scientific studies to study the effect of straw fertilizer on the crop and the quality of crops, depending on the systems of basic tillage in the crop rotation crop rotation. The leading role in the implementation of these studies undoubtedly belonged to the outstanding scientist-farmer, Professor A.V. Tikhonov. The main achievements of this scientific work are reflected in the scientific works of P.M. Katrychka (1975), A.V. Tikhonov (1982) and others. Since 1981 the department has been headed by the student V.Yu. Kazakova, Professor A.V. Tikhonov. Priority directions of the research work of the department at that time remain: reproduction of fertility of the southern chernozems, development of methods of moisture-saving tillage, improvement of existing systems of basic tillage, protection of plants from weeds, etc. Since 1999 the department has been headed by associate professor E.O. Yurkevich. By 1926, not only the department but also the discipline of “Agrochemistry” was absent, only some fragments of this science were taught. For the first time agrochemistry, as such, in 1935 within the department of soil science began to read Associate Professor L.S. Gorokhovsky. This year, after the union of our university with the Jewish Agricultural Institute, an independent department of agrochemistry was organized. Its first head was Associate Professor B.M. Magin, from 1946 to 1948 the department was headed by Professor S.M. Muscovites, from 1948 to 1953 – Associate Professor LS Gorokhovsky. Since 1953 the Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor V.G. Alexandrov. He is the author of the preparation of silicate bacteria; and eventually a branch laboratory of silicate bacteria was opened at the department. After Professor V.G. Alexander’s Department of Agrochemistry was headed by Professor V.F. Tsybulskyi, who with his staff paid great attention to the development of a scientifically-based system of nutrition of field crops in crop rotations of southern Ukraine. At present, the Department of Agrochemistry is included in the joint department of General Agriculture and Agrochemistry.

Contact information
Address: 6012, Odessa, str. Kanatna 99, 1st Floor Office 123
tel .: 734-79-52, 734-78-20, 734-88-47
e-mail: abt.cek.zemledelie@ukr.net

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