Odesa State Agrarian University

Rules for reception of foreign citizens

Rules for reception of foreign citizens

The basis for issuing an entry visa to Ukraine for the purpose of study is the original of the corresponding invitation, which is issued at the request of foreigners (Odesa, 13 Panteleymonivska St., International Education Center for the Training of Foreign Citizens, room 107, phone: +38 (093) 363-75-22, E-mail: foreign@osau.edu.ua )

Admission to higher education institutions of foreigners and stateless persons is carried out in accordance with the Laws of Ukraine “On Higher Education”, “On the Legal Status of Foreigners and Stateless Persons”, “On Ukrainians Abroad”, “On Refugees and Persons in Need of Additional or of temporary protection” who are in the territory of Ukraine”, by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated September 12, 2018 No. 729 (With changes introduced in accordance with Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 1017 dated October 28, 2020) “Issues of obtaining higher education by certain categories of persons”, by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated November 1, 2013 No. 1541 (With changes introduced in accordance with the Orders of the Ministry of Education and ScienceNo. 1272 dated 11.12.2015, No. 1167 dated 11.08.2017, No. 1265 dated 12.10.2020, No. 71 dated 20.01.2021, No. 1239 dated 17.11.2021), “Some issues of recruitment organization and training (internship) of foreigners and stateless persons”, registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on November 25, 2013 under No. 2004/24536, by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated December 2, 2019 No. 1498 “On approval of the Procedure for establishing quotas for obtaining higher education by foreigners and stateless persons within the scope of the state order in accordance with the international treaties of Ukraine”, registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on February 10, 2020 under No. 153/34436.

Citizens of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus, who do not have a permanent (temporary) residence permit in Ukraine, are admitted to study with the individual permission of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

Foreigners and stateless persons (hereinafter referred to as foreigners) may obtain higher education at the expense of individuals and/or legal entities, unless otherwise provided by international treaties of Ukraine, the binding consent of which has been granted by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, legislation or agreements between institutions of higher education on international academic mobility.

Admission of foreigners and stateless persons, in particular Ukrainians living abroad, permanently residing in Ukraine, citizens of the Republic of Poland, persons recognized as refugees, and persons in need of additional protection, to places ordered by the state, have the right to obtain higher education on the same level as citizens of Ukraine , in particular at the expense of the state or local budget. The admission of other categories of foreigners to institutions of higher education to study for places ordered by the state is carried out within the quotas for foreigners.

Foreigners are admitted to higher education for accredited educational programs. Institutions of higher education can also accept foreigners to study in the programs of the preparatory faculty (subdivision), to study the state language and/or the language of instruction, as well as to obtain postgraduate education, advanced training and internships.

Admission of foreigners to study can be carried out face-to-face and/or remotely.

The validity period of an invitation to study is no more than 1 year from the date of its registration in the Automated System “Electronic Journal” of a state enterprise authorized by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

Foreigners who have received an invitation to study registered in the Automated System “Electronic Journal” of a state-owned enterprise authorized by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, have received a set of information and consulting support services, and have received a visa to enter Ukraine can participate in remote admission. (except for citizens of countries with permanent entry) for the purpose of education or carried out the procedure of legalization of education documents in the country of their issuance: (carried out legalization at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) of the country that issued the document about education; carried out legalization at the consular department of a diplomatic institution of Ukraine abroad (consular legalization or apostille)).

In order to organize the remote recruitment of foreign citizens to study for higher education, the educational institution concludes an agreement with a partner organization that is a resident of the country of origin of the entrants. The subject of the agreement is the provision of services for personal identification, verification of original documents of entrants, organization of receiving entrants’ applications in electronic form, provision of premises and technical means for conducting consultations and entrance tests by a higher education institution in a remote format.

The conclusion of agreements by educational institutions of Ukraine is possible with organizations that meet the following requirements:

The conclusion of agreements by educational institutions of Ukraine is possible with organizations that meet the following requirements:

– compliance of the area of ​​the premises for remote submission of documents, consultations and entrance tests with the established norms of quarantine restrictions in the country where recruitment is carried out;

– provision of entrants with means of personal protection;

– ensuring the procedure of identification of entrants using face recognition technologies, which includes verification of personal data (surnames, patronymics (if available)), biometric data and their verification;

– ensuring compliance with the requirements of academic integrity during the entrance exam for foreigners;

– provision of a place to store telephones, tablet computers and other electronic devices of entrants seized during the entrance test;

– provision of a suppression device for cellular and Internet networks;

– ensuring video surveillance around the perimeter of the auditorium in which the entrance exam for foreigners takes place, by installing at least two video cameras;

– provision of technical equipment for video communication with the examination board of the educational institution in real time (computer, video camera, microphone, TV or projector with a screen);

– the presence of at least two employees in the classroom to monitor compliance with the requirements of academic integrity and technical support during the entrance exam for foreigners;

– provision of all entrants with individual computers connected to the institution’s online platform, through which the entrance exam for foreigners will take place;

– provision of consultations and training sessions before the entrance exam for foreigners in order to familiarize them with the rules of taking it remotely and using the online platform;

– provision of video recording of the entrance test, transfer of video material to the educational institution through the online platform, storage of information and video materials after the entrance exam for foreigners for five years in a partner organization.

In the case of remote admission, the foreigner sends legalized and notarized copies of documents on previous education to the educational institution by postal means. At the first crossing of the state border of Ukraine and upon arrival at the educational institution, the foreigner hands over the original documents in person.

Enrollment of foreign entrants for studies at the expense of individuals and/or legal entities may be carried out by institutions of higher education:

– twice a year within the deadlines set by the Admission Rules for obtaining junior bachelor’s, bachelor’s, and master’s degrees;

– during the year for studies in postgraduate studies and at the preparatory department (faculty).

Enrollment of foreigners to study at the appropriate level of higher education is carried out on the basis of a document on the previously obtained level of education based on the results of entrance exams for foreigners in specified subjects and the language of study and on the basis of academic rights to continue studying, provided by a document on the obtained level of education in the country of origin , and taking into account the success points that give the right to continue studying at the next level of higher education in accordance with the legislation of the country that issued the document on the obtained degree (level) of education.

All categories of foreigners who enroll in studies are enrolled in higher education institutions of Ukraine on the basis of enrollment orders. Confirmation of the fact of training can be a certificate issued at the EDEBO.

The requirements of the higher education institution regarding the compliance of foreign entrants who have arrived in Ukraine for the purpose of study with these Procedures and Rules of Admission, as well as the deadlines for accepting applications and documents, conducting an entrance exam for foreigners and enrolling are specified in the Rules of Admission and are published on the official website of the institution higher education.

Foreigners who are granted state scholarships under international treaties, national programs, and other international obligations of Ukraine are admitted to study within the established quotas for foreigners on the basis of referrals from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

Foreigners who come to Ukraine to participate in academic mobility programs or to obtain higher education according to educational programs agreed between Ukrainian and foreign institutions of higher education are admitted to study taking into account the contractual obligations of the relevant institutions of higher education.

Foreigners and stateless persons, in particular Ukrainians living abroad permanently in Ukraine, citizens of the Republic of Poland, persons recognized as refugees, and persons in need of additional protection, have the right to obtain higher education on an equal basis with citizens of Ukraine, in particular at the expense of state funds or the local budget, with exceptions established by the Constitution of Ukraine, laws of Ukraine or international treaties, consent to the bindingness of which has been given by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

Ukrainians living abroad, whose status is certified by a certificate of a Ukrainian living abroad (except for persons permanently residing in Ukraine), may enroll in state-ordered studies within the limits of the established quotas for foreigners after an interview on the subjects provided for in the Admission Rules.

Foreigners are admitted to accredited educational programs. Foreigners can choose such specialties. as:

  • agrobiotechnological faculty: horticulture and viticulture, plant protection and quarantine, agronomy;
  • educational and scientific institute of biotechnology and aquaculture. technology of production and processing of animal husbandry products;
  • faculty of geodesy, land management and agricultural engineering: geodesy and land management, agricultural engineering;
  • Faculty of Economics and Management: management, accounting and taxation, economics;
  • faculty of veterinary medicine: veterinary medicine, veterinary hygiene, sanitation and expertise;
  • college of bioresource management: technology of production and processing of animal husbandry products (kenology).

Acceptance of documents from foreigners for obtaining bachelor’s and master’s degrees is carried out in the following terms:

  • from July 1, 2024 to August 29, 2024 – the first set;
  • from September 2, 2024 to October 30, 2024 – the second set;

The Preparatory Department of the Odessa State Agrarian University (hereinafter referred to as the State Agrarian University) accepts foreigners and stateless persons who have a certificate of complete general secondary education and, due to their health, can study in higher education institutions and live in the climatic conditions of Ukraine.

Entrants from visa-free and visa-free countries to enter Ukraine for study need an Invitation to study, which can be obtained from the International Education Center for the Training of Foreign Citizens.

The invitation can be received by the entrant or a proxy by providing a notarized Power of Attorney.

Pre-university training

The pre-university training program will allow adapting the acquired knowledge to the educational system of Ukraine. Successful completion of studies at the Preparatory Department is a guarantee of admission to the ranks of students of Odesa State Agrarian University or any other institution of higher education in Ukraine.

The Preparatory Department carries out purposeful language training for foreign citizens and training in general education disciplines in order to ensure successful study at the main faculties of OSAU and other higher education institutions of Ukraine.

Pre-university training consists of two cycles:

  • The first cycle – language training
  • II cycle – study of general disciplines.

The International Education Center for the Training of Foreign Citizens provides training for foreign citizens in the following areas:

  • health care, biological, agricultural
  • engineering and technical, engineering and economic

Training is conducted in Ukrainian and English when forming a group of 15-20 people.

Terms of admission:

The terms of admission to the PVI, by separate agreements, admission is possible during the year.

Duration of study:

  • According to the Regulations on the International Education Center for the Training of Foreign Citizens of OSAU (new edition), approved by the meeting of the Academic Council of OSAU dated 07/01/2021, protocol No. 10, Order of the Chancellor of OSAU No. 241-zag dated 07/02/2021, the term of study of CMO with PIG is 3 -12 months.

Start of classes:

  • at the preparatory department: depending on the number of academic groups;
  • students at the faculties – from September 1 (by separate agreements, admission during the year is possible)

Admission of foreigners to study can be carried out face-to-face and/or remotely. In connection with the introduction of martial law in Ukraine, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine started distance learning in higher educational institutions, therefore Odesa State Agrarian University and the Center for International Education for the Training of Foreign Citizens also joined this type of education. According to the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 276 dated March 15, 2023.

Foreigners who have received an invitation to study, registered in the Automated System “Electronic Journal” of a state-owned enterprise authorized by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, have received a set of information and consulting support services, and have received a visa to enter Ukraine can participate in remote admission. Ukraine (except for citizens of visa-free entry countries) for the purpose of study and carried out the procedure of legalization of education documents in the country of their issuance: (legalization was carried out at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) of the country that issued the education document; legalization was carried out at the consular department of a diplomatic institution of Ukraine abroad (consular legalization or apostille)).

For the organization of remote recruitment of foreign citizens to study for higher education, OSAU concludes an agreement with partner companies that are residents of the country of origin of the entrants.

For more detailed information on distance learning recruitment, you can contact the International Education Center for the Training of Foreign Citizens by phone +38(093) 363-75-22 or by sending a letter to the e-mail address: foreign@osau.edu.ua

The sequence of remote admission of a foreign citizen to study at OSAU:

  1. A foreign citizen, through a partner company, submits documents for an invitation to study at our university, namely:

– passport

– documents about previous education (in case of transfer or renewal of studies, starting from the second year, an academic certificate issued by a foreign or Ukrainian educational institution is attached)

  1. After receiving the invitation, the foreign applicant pays visa support to the SE “Ukrainian State Center of State Education” in the amount of UAH 648. (you can pay for visa support yourself, you can find out detailed information at the link https://mfa.gov.ua/consul/foreigners or with the help of the partner company through which you applied for the invitation)
  2. The foreign applicant submits an online application in the name of the rector through a partner company for admission to the faculty at which he wants to study
  3. Documents are checked (the partner company verifies documents and identity)
  4. The foreign applicant submits documents (passport, invitation, education documents) verified by the partner company online and notarized with a translation into Ukrainian, certified in Ukrainian at the Embassy or Consulate of Ukraine.
  5. Submits documents to the visa center to obtain a type D visa (for this, it is necessary to submit to the consulate of Ukraine documents according to the list specified on the website of the Embassy, ​​as well as the original invitation to study. Documents about previous education before submission to the consulate must be officially certified by method accepted in your country (legalized (Ministry of Education + Ministry of Foreign Affairs + Embassy of Ukraine in your country) or certified with an Apostille stamp + legalized by the Embassy of Ukraine). yak-podati-zayavku/vizi/).
  6. The foreign applicant takes the exams in the chosen specialty (you can find out more detailed information about the entrance exams at the admissions office of the State Educational Institution of Ukraine 65012, Odesa, Panteleymonivska St., 13, office No. 101 by phone: (048) 785-10-43, (048) 763-03-40 or by sending an e-mail to vstupodau@ukr.net.
  7. Obtains a visa (the time of obtaining a visa is specified in the consulate of Ukraine, where the documents were submitted).
  8. After successfully passing the exams, the foreign applicant signs the contract and pays the tuition fee (you can find out the amount of the contract for admission to OSAU from the representatives of the partner companies through which they applied for tuition or at the International Education Center for the Training of Foreign Citizens by phone +38 093) 363-75-22 or by sending a letter to the e-mail address: foreign@osau.edu.ua).
  9. After paying for tuition, the admissions committee prepares an enrollment order signed by the rector.
  10. The foreign applicant submits the original documents about the previous education with a notarized translation into Ukrainian within a month after enrollment.
  11. Before the beginning of the second semester, submit documents to the Center of International Education for the preparation of foreign citizens for nostrification (this is a process that gives foreign educational documents legal force on the territory of Ukraine. This is a procedure for recognizing foreign educational documents).

How to get an invitation to study?

  • fill out an application-questionnaire and send it by e-mail to the Information Center of OSAU (osau@osau.edu.ua) with a request for admission to the university;
  • issue a written consent to the processing of personal data;
  • send a copy of the passport (full name, citizenship, date of birth, passport number, address of permanent residence) in English;
  • send a copy of the education document with a list of subjects studied and grades in English.

How to get an entry visa?

To obtain an entry visa for the purpose of studying in Ukraine, the applicant applies to the Embassy of Ukraine in his or a neighboring country with an application for obtaining an entry visa, adding to the application an invitation to study at OSAU. After receiving a study visa (D), the applicant must inform OSAU by e-mail or phone about the date of arrival in Ukraine, so that he will be met by representatives of the university.

How to pass customs control?

Upon arrival in Ukraine, to pass customs control, foreigners must have with them:

  • passport with visa type “D”;
  • original invitation to study;
  • money in the amount of at least $3,000 (three thousand) US dollars in cash or on a card to confirm your financial solvency;
  • know the purpose of coming to Ukraine.

If at least one of the above items is not fulfilled, the foreigner will not be allowed to enter the territory of Ukraine by border control.

Upon arrival for study, foreigners must submit the following documents, legalized in the prescribed manner, to the Center for International Education for the Training of Foreign Citizens:

  • application addressed to the rector of the University;
  • invitation to OSAU;
  • the original and a copy of the document on education with an appendix (obtained from the educational disciplines of the evaluation), certified in the country of their issuance in the manner that is officially used in this country for such certification, legalized by the relevant foreign institution of Ukraine and translated into Ukrainian and notarized in Ukraine – 2 copies);
  • a copy of a foreigner’s passport document or a document certifying a stateless person, translated into Ukrainian with a notarized translation certificate;
  • contract (policy) of voluntary medical insurance;
  • a medical certificate confirming the absence of HIV infection and fluorography of the chest. In the absence of a certificate, or if the certificate is not recognized in Ukraine, the foreign entrant is obliged to donate blood for analysis for the absence of HIV infection in a timely manner at his own expense.

The document must be issued no later than 2 months before entry to study in Ukraine.

  • medical health certificate (original and copy with a notarized translation into Ukrainian), which confirms the absence of medical contraindications for living and studying in Ukraine, certified by the official health authority of the country from which the foreign citizen arrived;
  • birth certificate (a copy translated into Ukrainian);
  • a certificate of submission of an education document for recognition (nostrification) in Ukraine or a Certificate of recognition in Ukraine of a foreign education document (if available);
  • 12 photos, size 30×40 mm, color, matte.

Documents must be certified in accordance with the legislation of the country of their issuance and legalized in the prescribed manner (consular legalization or apostille).

After enrolling in studies at the International Education Center for the Training of Foreign Citizens, foreigners must:

  • draw up an agreement on the provision of educational services (training);
  • pay tuition fees;
  • extend the period of stay in Ukraine;
  • take out an insurance policy for the provision of medical assistance;
  • draw up a contract of voluntary liability insurance for the reimbursement of expenses related to the execution of the decision on deportation outside Ukraine;
  • carry out the nostrification procedure of education documents at the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine during the first semester of study.

How to issue a temporary residence permit in Ukraine?

Citizens of states with a visa entry procedure arrive in Ukraine with a type “D” visa obtained at a consular institution of Ukraine abroad at the invitation of the University to study. Within five working days after arriving at the University, but no later than 30 days before the visa expires, they are obliged to provide the International Education Center for the Training of Foreign Citizens with a passport and documents necessary for issuing a temporary residence permit in Ukraine (further – certificate).

Citizens of countries with visa-free entry can stay in Ukraine for up to 90 days in any 180-day period. That is, to calculate the permitted period of stay, 180 days are counted back from the date of submission of documents. A foreigner will not violate the rules if within this 180-day period he stayed in Ukraine for no more than 90 days. Such foreigners must, within five working days after arriving at the University, but no later than 30 days before the end of the established period of stay in Ukraine, submit to the Department for Work with Foreign Citizens a passport and the documents necessary to issue a permit.

In order to prepare a complete package of documents for issuing a passport, a foreigner or a stateless person who has arrived in Ukraine for the purpose of studying shall submit to the Center for International Education for the Training of Foreign Citizens:

  • a passport document with a type “D” visa, unless otherwise stipulated by the legislation and international treaties of Ukraine;
  • translation into Ukrainian of the page of the passport document with personal data, notarized in Ukraine;
  • comprehensive insurance policy for foreigners for the period of validity of the study permit

Foreigners who arrived in Ukraine for the purpose of studying and received a permit are considered to be legally staying on the territory of Ukraine for the period of study. Passports are issued to foreigners and stateless persons who have reached the age of 16.

The certificate is produced in the form of a card containing a contactless electronic medium.

The passport is a document certifying the identity of a foreigner or stateless person and confirming the legal grounds for temporary residence in Ukraine. The certificate is issued for the study period, which is determined by the order of the University on establishing study periods for foreign students.

Documents for registration of a passport (including instead of a lost or stolen one), its exchange are submitted personally by a foreigner or a stateless person to a state-owned enterprise belonging to the sphere of management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, or the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at the place of registration.

Documents for issuing a passport must be submitted no later than 15 working days before the end of the established period of stay in Ukraine.

In the event of the occurrence of circumstances (events) in connection with which the permit is subject to exchange (except for the expiration of its validity period), documents for its exchange shall be submitted within one month from the date of occurrence of such circumstances (events).

In case of expiration of the validity period of the permit, documents for its exchange may be submitted no later than 15 working days before the date of expiration of its validity period. In such a case, the passport to be exchanged is returned to the person after receiving the documents and surrendered by him when receiving a new passport.

After receiving a passport, a foreigner must submit it within three working days to the Center for International Education for the Training of Foreign Citizens in order to register the place of residence in Ukraine.

In accordance with clause 7 of the Rules for registration of the place of residence, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 02.03.2016 No. 207, the registration of the place of residence is carried out only at one address. If a person lives in two or more places, he registers his place of residence at one of these addresses of his choice. Official correspondence and delivery of official correspondence is conducted with the person at the address of the registered place of residence.

The extension of the period of stay in Ukraine is carried out in the bodies of the state migration service on the basis of a written application of the University, which is prepared by the Department for Work with Foreign Citizens. The appeal is submitted no later than three working days from the date the foreigner submitted his national passport (or a document that replaces it) to the University.

Students of higher education and students of Odesa State Agrarian University are provided with a dormitory. The cost of living in a dormitory, according to the order “On establishing the amount of fees for living in the dormitories of OSU for students of the preparatory department, students of other universities and other persons” No. 82-zag dated 04/12/2024, is UAH 1,200 (one thousand two hundred hryvnias).


The organization of social and sports life of foreign citizens at Odesa State Agrarian University is managed by the Center for International Education and Training of Foreign Citizens.


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