Land surveyor

“Buy land, because no one else produces it,” Mark Twain once said.

There is no doubt that the laws on the free market of Ukrainian land will be adopted in the near future and the whole industry will face the problem of lack of personnel. And what will happen in that case? Right! The value of special specialists – land surveyors, trained by Odessa State Agrarian University, will increase.
Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "землеустроитель"

Land surveyor is a specialty that, having mastered, it will be possible to work in the direction of developing land management projects, monitoring the regime of land use, resolving disputes between individuals and organizations regarding land plots, maintaining the land cadastre, and also assessing land.

Even your friend or relative will need you as a specialist. Everyone needs to get a plot for construction or agriculture.

It is a demanded and profitable specialty
Пов’язане зображення
A modern land surveyor works with key issues regarding land for various purposes. The specialist can work in private companies, fulfilling orders for measuring plots when they are allotted to property, sale and other transactions. A talented land surveyor will not remain without work, and his income will depend solely on his ability to work, since the services of such craftsmen are needed daily.

Why us?

State diploma
recognized in most
countries of the world

Providing housing
for students from other cities
and villages

to your training

The possibility of working
practice in the countries
of America and Europe

Our graduates work in top companies

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