
EconomyHigher economic education is the dream of many, because this specialist distributes the cash flows of the enterprise, creates financial development strategies and manages the employees who embody them.

Entering the OSAU, you can get a prestigious and highly paid profession, which requires not only knowledge, but also the ability to analyze and draw conclusions, find creative, innovative solutions. At the same time, a potential employer can be found in any field – from agriculture or trade to the IT sphere and industry.

Join an economist!



Bachelor (11-th GradeGraduate)

Form of studyBudget placesContract cost, UAHHostelOpportunity to practice in Europe
By correspondenceavailable15000for the period of the sessionyes

Tuition fee for 1 year (2024-2025)

Master (for bachelors)

Form of studyBudget placesContract cost, UAHHostelOpportunity to practice in Europe
By correspondenceavailable16600for the period of the sessionyes

Tuition fee for 1 year (2024-2025)

Bachelor (for junior specialists).

Form of studyBudget placesContract cost, UAHHostelOpportunity to practice in Europe
By correspondenceavailable18760for the period of the sessionyes

Tuition fee for 1 year (2024-2025)


What will you learn?


  • Apply various methods of macro- and microeconomic analysis, forecasting and planning the activities of the company, the formation of its market strategy.
  • Use modern computer technology in production, scientific, management activities to process economic information and model business processes.
  • Determine trends (trends) in the development of economic processes in micro and macro level, and justify forecasts.
  • Identify innovative ways of developing industries and provide them with an assessment.
  • Form model of enterprise’s development, company, business, mechanisms of their functioning.
  • To develop and apply economic tools for diagnosing the financial and economic activities of business entities.
  • Effectively solve the problems of motivation and management in enterprises of various sectors of the economy, generate productive ideas.




Where can you work?


  • Economic services (departments) enterprises, firms, companies.
  • Financial institutions, banks, branches of foreign companies, analytical centers, investment funds.
  • Департаменти з економіки регіонального, місцевого самоврядування (обласних, районних державних адміністрацій, міських виконкомів).
  • Economy departments regional government, ministries, departments, state committees and agencies.
  • Institutions of the State Fiscal Service, Pension Fund, Treasury, Customs, State Statistics Service, Employment Service, Trade -Industrial Chamber, Antimonopoly Committee, specialized units of law enforcement and state security.
  • Scientific research institutions, educational institutions.


Що потрібно, щоб стати студентом ОДАУ?

Щоб успішно скласти вступні іспити на економіста, ознайомтеся заздалегідь з їх програмою для свого рівня освіти. Готуючись до здачі ЗНО, враховуйте, які предмети потрібні для економіста. Найбільше значення має бал з математики, але знадобиться і обов’язкове тестування з української мови та літератури, а також географія або іноземна мова.

Запишись на курси підготовки до НМТ!



How to apply Odesa State Agrarian University?

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How to increase your chances of applying the OSAU?

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Why is it profitable to study with us?

High quality education, confirmed by 59 years of experience in the pedagogical economic field and professionalism of the teaching staff.

Differentiation and individualization in the organization of the educational process, taking into account the inclinations and individual characteristics of our students.

Conducting various business trainings, master classes with practitioners from leading enterprises and companies.

High corporate culture, relations between teachers and students are built on m respect, cooperation and a reasonable compromise.

A modern educational and material base, the use of interactive technologies and trainings, business games, the development of group projects, presentations, conducting scientific seminars and conferences.

Promoting graduate employment and providing practice bases and internships for students.

Creating all conditions for interesting and meaningful learning and relaxation of students, the maximum development of their creative abilities.


What will we teach at the first (bachelor’s) level of higher education:

  • Philosophy
  • History of Ukraine
  • History of Ukrainian Culture
  • Ukrainian language (by professional direction)
  • Foreign Language
  • History of economics and economic thought
  • Higher mathematics for economists
  • Information systems and technologies in the economy
  • Psychology
  • Ethics of business communication
  • Science of law
  • Foreign language by professional direction
  • Political Economy
  • Microeconomics
  • Macroeconomics
  • Regional economy
  • Management
  • Statistics
  • Finance, money and credit
  • Organization of technological processes in agricultural production
  • Accounting
  • Marketing
  • Economic analysis
  • International Economics
  • The tax system
  • Labor economics and social labor relations
  • National economy
  • Business Economics
  • Innovative development of agrarian entrepreneurship
  • Planning of production and economic activity of agrarian enterprises
  • Management information systems and technologies
  • Mathematical modeling of economic processes
  • Analysis of economic activity
  • ZED of the enterprise

at the second (master) level of higher education:

  • Business Foreign Language
  • Methodology and organization of scientific research
  • Artificial intelligence systems
  • Social responsibility of business
  • Strategic analysis
  • Business planning of agricultural production
  • Economic globalization
  • Economic diagnosis of the enterprise
  • Contract law
  • Designing business activities in the agricultural sector
  • State financial control
  • Economy of a modern enterprise
  • tax management
  • Management of international business


Economics as a type of professional activity, involves identifying the best ways and means to achieve the goals of the activity

The purpose of the educational and professional program in specialty 051 “Economics” is the formation of general and professional competencies.

Studying the specialty disciplines, you will find yourself in an interesting world of economics, discover the secrets of modern economic activity, master the art of crisis management of an enterprise, plunge into the mysterious mazes of modern information-optimization technologies for modeling business processes.

Economists are professionals who are well versed in the complex financial, economic and legal labyrinths of doing business, competent in matters of organizing, planning and forecasting the activities of enterprises, firms, companies, its analysis, evaluation and diagnostics, modeling business processes, and understand accounting issues , audit and taxation, have a system of knowledge and skills that are effectively used in the process of forming the optimal model of a modern enterprise, its resource potential and cheniya successful implementation of the functions and tasks carried out by the management of companies and enterprises in the market system.

The economist is one of the most significant specialists in the enterprise, in the organization. Not a single company, enterprise, company is able to conduct its activities without a business plan. It is this employee who sets the motion vector of the joint efforts of all employees of the firm, the company. To work as an economist, you need to have a special education, successful experience in drawing up business plans, the ability to conduct research based on formulas and available data, analytical thinking, and master special programs.

The main task of the economist is the competent distribution of cash flows of the company in order to ensure the profitability of production and economic activity in general.


Main advantages and prospects when getting specialty – an economist

The relevance of the profession

EconomyThe challenges of modernity fundamentally redefine the strategic role of economists at the macro and micro levels. Particularly relevant is the issue of training highly qualified, creative, proactive, ambitious, visionary specialists in economics.

Choosing the field of professional activity – economics, you will not be mistaken, since the most prestigious and highest paid professions are here. Specialists in this field are still in first place in demand. Knowing the strengths and weaknesses of his enterprise, an economist can offer an effective strategy for its development and optimal ways and means of its implementation.

The main advantages of the specialty are

  • The main advantages of the specialty are relevance – economists have always been and will be in demand at various hierarchical levels of the economy
  • versatility – you can find work in any field of activity and business
  • high demand in the labor market
  • high wages
  • unlimited career opportunities
  • Significantly greater opportunities to successfully start a business with minimal costs, because professional knowledge will allow you to calculate in advance all the possible risks and prospects.

Starting from the position of an ordinary economist, in the long term – to become the head of an enterprise, firm, company responsible for its competitiveness and development, controlling and coordinating the activities of all its structural divisions.

Depending on professional experience and the general level of erudition, economists can act as analysts , experts, so be the organizers and top managers of the business.


Agronomy knowledge of economics is an investment in the future, because everything we need tomorrow is written by the economy today.


Why us?

State diploma
recognized in most
countries of the world

Providing housing
for students from other cities
and villages

to your training

The possibility of working
practice in the countries
of America and Europe

Our graduates work in top companies

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