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Scientific-methodical council
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Odesa State Agrarian University
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I want to OSAU
Get ready for EIT (EIT) with us!
Choose a specialty
Choose your profession
Courses and Institute of Postgraduate Education
Admissions сommittee
To enter the Bachelor
To enter the Magistracy
Admission for Postgraduate Studies
For foreign students
To students
Student rating
Moodle online
Student government
About university
Administration of OSAU
University structure
Faculties and departments
Other units
The educational process
Department of Quality Assurance of Higher Education
International activities
Postgraduate Studies
Scientific activity
Academic Council of the University
Conference of labor collective
Scientific-methodical council
Physical and educational work
Primary trade union organization
Public information
Agrarian Bulletin of the Black Sea Littoral
Economic Bulletin of the Black Sea Littoral
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